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GrowthStack User Manual

How to view GrowthStack in WordPress Admin

GrowthStack can be found in the Admin Dashboard as its own section. From here you can see the general overview of the tool but actual personalizations and A/B tests are created directly to the selected pages.


The overview offers a general overview of the GrowthStack usage on the site. There you can see:

  • Personalizations running on the site
  • A/B tests running on the site
  • General analytics of the site

We will dive more in-depth into the analytics later in this manual.


How to create a personalization

A personalization is created inside the editing view of the page. Open up the page and choose the content you would like to personalize. Start building the personalization by clicking the Personalize button on the top menu.

The block will be surrounded by a pink border, which means that there’s some kind of personalization in that block. The Default content is the default content of the page, which will be shown to all those users that won’t match to any other personalization rule.

When the block is selected, new personalization rules can be defined from the menu on the right side. Rules will occur in the selected order, so the one that should trigger first should be on top of the list. Rules are checked one by one and if nothing fits the user who visits the page, he/she will see the default content.

Personalization rules

A new personalization rule can be added from the Add new variation button.

When setting up the personalization, the personalization rule is first selected from the available options. After this, the conditions of the personalization are being defined.

Rule Label is the name of your personalization, related to e.g. which personalization rule is in use.

Extra definitions depend on the rule you have selected to use.

Finally, you can define whether you want to show or hide the content from the user group applying to the rule.

The apply rule button will add the personalization to the selected content.

After you have created a new personalization rule, it will appear in the personalization menu on the right.

To edit the content for different rules, select one of the rules from the menu. You can see the rule highlighted after selecting it and you can edit the content as you like.

You can also check the contents of different rules by clicking them from the menu.

Default content rule selected

Personalization based on the user’s country selected

When the personalization is ready, you can publish the page. After publishing, the personalization starts running on the page.

Personalization rules


With the time-based personalization rule, you can show different content to the users who visit the site on different days or at different times of the day.

Select the dates you want the personalization to be active on, starting time, and duration.


With this rule, content can be personalized for users coming from different countries.

Preferred Language

Personalization is targeted based on the user’s browser language.

Device Type

This rule allows you to show different contents based on the devices users visit the site with. Device type options are desktop, mobile, and tablet.

User Status

This rule allows you to target content either to new or returning users.

Query Parameter

The query parameter rule shows content based on different parameters in the URL address. This way you can show specific content e.g. those users who come to the site from a certain newsletter campaign.

Insert the parameter name to the name field and in the value field define the condition you want to base the personalization on.

In the value field you can use either is or contains option. If you use ‘is’, the URL parameter value needs to exactly match the text in the value field. If you choose to use ‘contains’ it’s enough that some part of the URL parameter value matches the text in the field.

Referral source

The referral source can be used to personalize the content based on different UTM campaign parameters.

From the Campaign parameter dropdown menu, you can choose which UTM parameter to use in the personalization rule. This way you can show specific content e.g. based on certain social media or Google Ads campaigns.

Content assistant

The AI-based content assistant can be used to edit any content. After selecting text you can find the Assistant from the top menu. There are several options available for text editing.

With the help of the content assistant, you can:

  • Translate the content into several languages (English, Finnish, Swedish, German, French, Italian)
  • Check the spelling
  • Simplify the text
  • Shorter the text
  • Lengthen the text
  • Make the text more selling

A/B testing

How to create an A/B test

A/B test is created on a certain page. Please note, that e.g. navigation can’t be A/B tested.

When you are in a page editor, you can find the A/B test button from the top right menu. By clicking that, you can start building the test.

Creating an A/B test will create two versions of the page: Original and Variation. Original is the original content of the page and variation is the competing version of the content where you can make the changes you want.

From the menu on the right you can check and edit the contents of each version.

A: Original content chosen

B: Variation content chosen

The A/B test starts running when the page is published. Half of the page visitors will see the original version and the other half will see the variation.

How to view the results and select the winner

Typically the test should run at least two weeks to get enough visits for both content versions.

The A/B test menu on the page includes a Show Results button where you can see the A/B test performance.

Results show how different variations have performed in the chosen time period.

The Set as Winner button will set the better-succeeded version as the winner and this version of the content will be then shown permanently on the page where the original A/B test was built.


There are three occasions where the analytics are shown in GrowthStack:

  • Analytics of the whole site in the Overview
  • Analytics of a single page that you can view from the Pages section, beside the page name
  • Analytics of a single A/B test that you can access from the A/B test menu on a test page or from the Pages section beside the page name

Active buttons in the Pages section indicate if an A/B test or personalization is running on a certain page. From the first button, you can view the page analytics.


Analytics views include several different metrics that vary a bit depending on the analytics view.


Pageviews tell you how many times a page has been loaded or how many pages have been loaded altogether on the site.


The number of users on the site, on a single page, or in different variations of the A/B test.


Visits on the site.

Engaged Session Count

The number of sessions that have been engaged. An session is considered engaged if the user has visited at least two pages and the user has spent enough 10 seconds on the site.

Engagement rate

Percentage of engaged sessions from the total number of sessions.

Average engagement time

Average engagement time on a page or in different variations of the A/B test.

Most popular pages

The most popular pages of the site and their user and view counts.

Conversion count

How many conversions (A/B test goals) each of the variant has gained during the A/B test.
