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4 ways website data can improve your business

We are known for developing and designing digital services more than anything else, but our area of expertise goes further than that: we have a highly skilled analytics team working hard to help clients succeed. Analytics is important because it monitors site performance and shapes each step of the development and design process. In this blog post, we’ll tell you how understanding website data can help you make better decisions and grow your business. 

Roosa Säävälä, February 18, 2019

Unlock your website’s potential with data

The word data-driven has become a widely-used word in many companies and a data-driven approach to business is often seen as essential for success, regardless of industry. But acquiring data is not the hard part – how should data be used in order to create value for both clients and end users?

In comes web analytics, which in practice is much more than installing a script on a website and creating a monthly report to reveal the number of visitors. The numbers have to be chosen carefully and interpreted before they can offer any real value. Data is no good until it’s used. Once data is understood, it becomes a tool for identifying roadblocks and transforming ideas and concepts into something concrete.

Know who uses your website or service

Data analysis turns visiting a website into a quantitative snapshot containing helpful information about the site’s visitors. Who is visiting your site or using your service? Where are they from and what time of the day do they visit?

With data, you will be able to see how successful a social media campaign was or how many visitors found your website by referral. And if the click-through rate on your Facebook page is a lot higher than on Instagram, it probably tells something about your audience’s social media preferences: maybe you should keep your focus on Facebook and target that demographic, and spend less time trying to grow your Instagram follower base. Data helps you define your target market so that you can use your resources wisely.

With key visitor information and key insights, web analytics allows you to improve the experience of your site visitors, boost your online performance and better understand website traffic patterns, target audiences and conversion rates. Knowing how people get to your site and how they use it is crucial for developing a successful online strategy and defining your future goals. Having greater insights means having greater control of your business.

Track and optimize for more conversions

Google Analytics allows you to overview all channels, track customer engagement and conversions and overview the devices used. There are many ways to break data into smaller parts to analyze it, providing insights that were never achievable before Google Analytics and other similar platforms. With data insights, you can take the guesswork out of running an effective website or successful online marketing and advertising campaigns.

Data analysis is a part of the contemporary way of doing marketing: if your budget is tight, data helps you spend it on things that actually matter, so you will make smarter investments. And if the members of your team disagree on the effectiveness of certain marketing techniques, real information and quantitative data bring certainty. Data makes marketing measurable, opens lots of development possibilities, helps to determine what to improve on, and cuts out the unnecessary speculation on what is working and what isn’t.

An e-commerce site’s conversion funnel signifies the customer’s journey from finding the site to navigating on it to finally taking the action that converts to a sale. Conversions can be increased through many different kinds of marketing, advertising and search engine optimization. Data makes it possible to track sales with accuracy and indicate the roadblocks to conversions. It helps to understand, analyze and optimize the conversion funnel which in the end can make more people turn from visitors into paying customers.

Set goals and improve performance with the help of data

When you know the ultimate goals of your business, web analytics has to be set up the right way so that retrieved data can support these goals and contribute to growth. Web analytics tells you where your visitors or users come from, what kind of paths they are taking and what types of content are drawing their attention. This makes it easier to understand what works well on a site or service and what still needs improvement. Data retrieved and analyzed from your website helps you gain a better understanding of your customers, which then allows you to make changes to your web presence and improve your customer’s experiences. Finally, this can help you increase leads, sales, or conversions.

Better performance means different things to different companies and depends on the case, which means that different types of data will have to be isolated and analyzed. Data analysis is a cyclical process rather than a task that can be fully completed. In order for it to make a real impact, it should be integrated with other work such as website development, optimization, and web design.

Have a question, need support for measuring data, or want to improve the performance of your service? Contact us!
